BrickRats was formed in 2018 as a laid back ratty T25/T3 club. Initially a group for rough and ready rat style vans, its now evolved into a a T25/T3 and Mk1 LT (bigger square vans) club and anything goes. We don't mind if it's scabby or shiny, all are welcome. Not just a Facebook group, we attended shows and campouts through year which attracts people from far and wide who are willing to represent their vans for an exclusive spot in the BrickRats area. Each event we go to has BrickRats special edition stickers and we hold BrickRats competitions with BrickRats bespoke, hand made trophies on offer. It's a different experience to a normal car club. We encourage people to come together, enjoy their vans, hopefully make new friends and gain some knowledge about their vans along the way. 

Yes we are planning an epic week long run to Scotland and back with the BrickRats club. With BrickRats being a Facebook group of 12k+ members, people have commented over the years that events are too far for them to travel so we thought why not take the club to them. At the end of last year we did the BR250, Bristol to West Wales. The run started from the top Vw pub in the west country, The Failand Inn. A stop over the night before housed club members that traveled a few hundred miles for the run. Gordano services on the M5 was the meeting point on the Saturday. First stop was Rothfink Lockup for coffee and Donuts, then on to Rest Bay in Porthcawl for a paddle on the beach and then finishing at Dubbers Delight in West Wales for one amazing vw party. This was a very successful trial run for our planned trip to Scotland. 

We are planning on covering the country in easy stages for the BR1000. People can come and go as they please, do a section of the run or do the whole round trip. Each section will have its own sticker/badge of honor. Starting from Bristol on the Monday we plan 2 days driving up the west side of England, 3 days in Scotland then 2 days down the east side of England, ending on the south coast for a bit of a shin dig.

 Our sponsors are Volksparts, Rothfink and Rivos Hub. To cover possible breakdowns along the way, Volksparts will be bringing a T25 van and trailer full of spare parts to carry out fixes. We are calibrating with Rothfink Industries and they will be producing our unique event Tshirts and decals. Rivos Hub will be hosting our end of trip BR1000 campout and party. 

Words by Dom King

Thanks to Dom for providing the content and images.

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